12 November 2008

Winter is Setting In...

A whole 12 days of being 21. I still don’t understand how one day you can go to sleep one day then the next day you are an adult. I think it takes more than just age to make you an adult. Sometimes I don’t understand the concepts of the United States.

We have a new president to be in the United States. I don’t agree with some of the policies that he will enact but he is going to the president, nonetheless. He has a place of leadership that few people have. This means that I need to pray for him, for wisdom and for those around him.

As for the Primary Health School, I’ve started fundraising; have a few of the parts of the application in. The main one will be sent in soon. I’ve got to finish one little part before I send it in. I had to attach pictures for a visa – the ones that I am sending are ones that I took while in Mexico. The passport/visa pictures for Mexico are always taken with a straight face, hair pulled back from the face, comparing these pictures to the ones from the United States, where the passport pictures are taken with a smiling face. My friend Aubrey is a part of the school in Australia right now and seeing her pictures and hearing about her stories makes me long to be a part of the school. If it is not meant to be then I know that where God has me, is where I am meant to be. God ultimately knows the plans he has for me and I need to keep that in mind.

The winter is setting in. It has been raining and snowing and sleeting in the past few days. And it has been cold! I really don’t like that. I am ready to be in a warm climate! I love the warmth of the sun! Pretty sure that is one thing that I will never miss.